This is my first blog not sure what direction this is liable to take.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

What a day

What a day... Well it started off smoothly enough, did the usual cleaning of the house. After finishing that task decided I felt like baking some cookies, as I am preparing to do this my husband Randy tells me he thinks he is going to go and start painting the bathroom. I have been wanting this done for awhile so I'm excited about that. About thirty minutes later I have some cookies cooled and decide to take Randy a couple to try. I am just about to the doorway and I can here him working, I hear the tape tear, all of the sudden there is a bunch of racket and this blue blob goes flying by me... Turns out its the cat... The tearing of the tape scared her, she jumped and landed in the paint and is now running through the house bouncing off the walls, as I am running after the cat hollering get the cat, Randy is yelling the floor... And then get the dog because she is now chasing the cat through the house ...I am so freaking out because there is paint getting everywhere. Well Randy finally gets a hold of the cat I get a hold on the dog and quickly rush her out to the back yard come back in and try to help Randy with the cat who is now attempting to rinse the paint off the crazy cat in the kitchen sink... What a sight that is! We manage to get the paint off the cat by this time she is good and pissed at us. Now we have to go through the house and clean up paint from every place the cat hit or landed on... It took us awhile but we did manage to clean all the paint up without leaving a trace of the ruckus.


At June 12, 2006 1:57 PM, Blogger oncRN said...

ok, that was funny. if you saw it on a sitcom you'd think it was unbelievable - too contrived...is the cat still pissed? some i have known tend to hold grudges.

At June 12, 2006 2:26 PM, Blogger Sparkie18 said...

No she is no longer angry with us, although she refuses to go near the bathroom.

At June 12, 2006 4:59 PM, Blogger Cathy said...

Oh, what a funny story :)...I have laughed so hard. Thanks for telling this. I have a cat too and I could just imagine what he would be doing.

I came to thank you for visiting my site and leaving such a nice comment.


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