This is my first blog not sure what direction this is liable to take.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Lets see, Everything seemed back to normal My daughter T is now home... We went to the store, she needed to develop her pics she took while away. We finished that journey
and went home to have dinner uneventful evening called it a night and went to bed... At about 3:00 am I awoke to the smell of something burning needless to say that jolted my tired ass right out of bed... On the run through the house looking for the source,
I notice that no air is coming from the vents, so I bolt for the switch to turn off power to the cooler then go and wake up Randy, By this time I have the animals going coo-coo barking and running around ( we have two dogs & a cat). T is still sound asleep so I figure she must really be exhausted... After I get Randy up he runs out back and finds the cooler still smoking, so he made sure he unplugs the whole thing and there is no power to it, and that there will be no danger through the night and he can get a better look in the morning... We go back to bed ... Get up and R goes out to assess the damage, Low and behold to add insult to injury he manages to get stung by a Scorpion of course this is not good I freak out and want to call poison control he insists he is a Scorpio so he is immune pissing me off because he is now not being reasonable, all in all we find that he is okay ( this is several hours later )... Back to the cooler, UGH we discover we will be without a cooler for about 11 days. Thank god I woke and it wasn't worse is all I can say.


At June 20, 2006 5:06 PM, Blogger GaffLady said...

found ya through cathy..holy moly! that is quite an event to happen at 3am and add a scorpion bite to boot. i must admit though, kinda giggled when you wrote that your husband said he was immune b/c he was a scorpio. :)

At June 23, 2006 10:50 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am just glad you woke up! And, I'm glad your hubby is ok. The only scorpion I have seen were in Georgia, and just looking at them made my skin crawl. My mother-in-law, who lived in Georgia used to say she had scorpions coming in her house. I was always looking over my shoulder until I found out that she called lizards scorpions.
I like your blog.


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