This is my first blog not sure what direction this is liable to take.

Friday, June 23, 2006


Yesterday I went to my mom, & dads house... I try to make a point of doing this at least once a month, I live quite aways away from them.. A little history... Mom has diabetes, has had one heart attack, and is on dialysis, dad has emphysema and has a hard time with breathing at times, Although my oldest sister lives with them ( she works and helps with their needs) I wish I could get over more often to help. They have this to do list for when I come over (my idea) so that anything they find needs to be done that they can't do I can do it for them. I completed what was on the list, sat down to visit a little before heading home, mom has me go get a box for her( her memory box) we proceed to walk down memory lane, Man I love doing that... She pulled out the first love letter to her from dad it was dated 10/12/54 ,I pointed out to mom that that was my daughters B-Day how ironic is that?(except the year of course)
Dad told us a story about when he moved the family here from back east I thought I would share because it is so funny... He and my uncle traveled out west first to establish a job and home, along their travels they found this lizard they thought was really neat and kinda pretty, so they caught it and put it in a box and put it on the back seat as they are traveling along they come across this bar so they decide to have a drink and find out what kind of lizard they have... Well when they bring it into the bar and ask this fellow what it is he starts hollering and then suddenly the whole bar clears out... Then the bar tender yells at them to get the GD thing out of his tavern, well dad and uncle bob are confused and take it out and put it back in the car... They go back into the bar to finish their drinks and a fella comes up and asks them what kind of idiots are they and where the hell are they from, dad comments that they are far from being idiots and that they are from back east moving out here to Arizona, The man says oh lord and proceeds to teach them about desert critters and their dangers, turns out they had caught themselves a Gila monster.


At June 25, 2006 10:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds like a couple of good ole boys having fun to me. Travis told me when he was out in the field in Australia or somewhere, he started showing off with a cobra. It bit him, and he said he yelled for anti-venom, then he said, he sh*t his pants, puked, and got sick as a dog for about a week. I think its a guy thing.


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