This is my first blog not sure what direction this is liable to take.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Strolling down memory lane

When our children were younger, Scott was 15, and Tia was 7 ... Randy and I decided we needed a change for the kids the nieborhood we were living in was getting a bit rough, We found some property in Sanders Arizona and liked it, major AZ desert and wilderness... No running water, or electricity we thought hey lets teach the kids how to live without convenience, off the land and all that good stuff, get them away from city life.
WOW what a shock for Scott, being a city boy all his life, he was not a happy person... We had a mountain lion come through our property at night and he was just certain it was going too eat us, and never failed to let us know just how he felt about that, he had to walk about 4 miles to the bus stop for school he swears it was uphill both ways, on one of his journeys home he was followed by a coyote and insisted it was waiting for him to drop, mind you Randy was always watching from a short distance making sure he was safe.
The nature walks we would take were so beautiful being able to watch the antelope roam free and graze, sitting under the pine trees (I love that smell), The view from the cliff was breath taking with the meadow down below and the colors of the red rock and clay with the sun was awesome.
Tia loved it of course at her age she thought it was great to watch all the animals, and hand washing the cloths heck she thought that was a party in itself.
Randy built a crazy zip line from tree to tree on a down hill slope to keep the kids amused, the kids would go down with the dogs chasing them barking the whole way, then lick them like mad when they reached the bottom.
We lived there for a year and Scott swears he will always appreciate modern convenience, Tia on the other hand wouldn't mind going back. Randy and I believe it brought our family closer together.


At July 03, 2006 11:09 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I think that is wonderful. I've always wanted to do something like that, but then growing up in WV, we didn't have running water, or indoor plumbing, and ate what my mother canned from the garden during the summer. I can relate to Scott, cause just turning on a faucet seems like a luxury to me. Thanks for sharing.

At July 03, 2006 8:36 PM, Blogger Cathy said...

I loved this story. I'm still laughing over the "he swore it was uphill both ways." I would love to live that way.

I always have said I was born to late. I wanted to be Caroline Ingle's.

At July 13, 2006 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, This is Scott. And I still say it sucked. I still love you Momma.


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