This is my first blog not sure what direction this is liable to take.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

I'm Back ...

Hi all I will begin again to blog not sure what will come of it but hey what can I say its something to do.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I do not know what my problem is. My emotions seem to be all over the board for the last few days, I can't concentrate on anything and now it is flat out just frustrating the shit out of me. Hopefully I will be back to my old self again soon. I will go for now because I can't even think of anything to write about worth a darn.

Friday, July 21, 2006


"Greater love hath no man than this: That he lay down his life in defence of his friends"
John 15:13
In Loving memory of:
HM3 Travis L Youngblood
LIMA CO 3rd BN 25th Marines
U.S. Navy 21 July 2005
Hit, Iraq
Always in our Hearts and Thoughts.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Nottin Much

There is not much going on here, It is to hot to even pop your head out the door! When you do it takes a few minutes to catch your breath... My daughter T has shown an interest in cooking and has now attempted two meals that turned out real good, I am now curious of what her next attempt will be. I believe if you go to her blog she has shared one of her recipes, you can get to it from my links.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I NEVER thought before, about where I've set my purse down. And being the compulsive hand-washing, sanitizing-everything kind of person I am, I was shocked I didn't already know this ...

Bacteria on Purses: A study was performed on women's purses. A health team went to a local mall and took samples from the bottom of 50 women's purses. The purses were swabbed with cotton swabs along the entire bottom of the purses and placed into special containers. The swabs were then processed at a local laboratory. The Health Report also showed where women place their purses: public rest-rooms (on the floor beside the toilet), kitchen counters & kitchen tables, on tables & chairs in restaurants, etc. The results of the laboratory tests contained the following most serious result: 1 out of 4 purses — E COLI Other extremely serious bacteria also were listed, including Hepatitis. They recommended that women should DAILY wipe their purses (particularly the bottom) with a disinfectant wipe and to be extremely careful where you sit your purse. Most important, do NOT place your purse on a table (anywhere) where you will eat or on a kitchen counter and do not put it anywhere close to a toilet. Remember, when you flush a toilet, the spray goes a distance that is unrecognizable by the human eye. WASH YOUR HANDS as often as you can! Keep an antibacterial hand sanitizer cleaner (no water needed) in your purse and use it often! And as soon as you get home from shopping (or wherever you have been and used your purse), immediately wipe it all over with a disinfectant wipe. Repeating, this is a factual report aired today on Health News, Fox 5, Atlanta, GA. Please do your part for yourself and everyone else! As soon as I saw the report, I immediately cleaned my purse with my Clorox Antibacterial.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


I have obviously been bored, and reading a lot of blogs in so doing I have come to the conclusion that the only safe subject to talk about without having any negative feedback are....
Knitting and Sex. In observation Politics are definitely taboo everybody feels a need to be heard on this particular subject... Book reading and reviews also has controversy, Now doesn't this have something to do with ones own taste in what they enjoy reading?

Food there is no right way or wrong way to prepare some foods is this also not in ones own tastes? Good grief people where is the peace and love among mankind? So I have decide I don't want to write about sex because that is just to private, and I know nothing about knitting so that's out, so I will just have to drop a family recipe and take my chances, if you feel the need to bash it go ahead I don't care so long as you enjoyed it.

You will need: 3 round steaks, 3 - 20 oz cans of enchilada sauce, 1 or 2 packages of French rolls, Garlic, & pepper, Large pot or Dutch oven ( cast iron)

How to prepare: Trim fat from meat, cut into cubes, put into pot season with garlic and pepper to taste, brown meat, once meat is browned add enchilada sauce bring to rapid boil then turn heat down to simmer and cover pot, let let simmer until meat is tender, remove lid let sauce thicken.

cut rolls to make sandwiches fill with meat eat and enjoy.

This is also good with breakfast the next morning or even in a cold sandwich....

Friday, July 07, 2006

Fun Time

Today I am exhausted, And have discovered I am no spring chicken I need sleep...
Took the girls to see Pirates of the Caribbean last night for the midnight showing, The movie was two and a half hours long... It was worth it though to see them have so much fun, they really got a bang out of the people that dressed up like pirates just to go to a movie... Had a good time but don't know that I would go to a midnight showing again, to many loud and rowdy young'uns for me, uhh oh look out I'm showing my cranky age now...