This is my first blog not sure what direction this is liable to take.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


I have obviously been bored, and reading a lot of blogs in so doing I have come to the conclusion that the only safe subject to talk about without having any negative feedback are....
Knitting and Sex. In observation Politics are definitely taboo everybody feels a need to be heard on this particular subject... Book reading and reviews also has controversy, Now doesn't this have something to do with ones own taste in what they enjoy reading?

Food there is no right way or wrong way to prepare some foods is this also not in ones own tastes? Good grief people where is the peace and love among mankind? So I have decide I don't want to write about sex because that is just to private, and I know nothing about knitting so that's out, so I will just have to drop a family recipe and take my chances, if you feel the need to bash it go ahead I don't care so long as you enjoyed it.

You will need: 3 round steaks, 3 - 20 oz cans of enchilada sauce, 1 or 2 packages of French rolls, Garlic, & pepper, Large pot or Dutch oven ( cast iron)

How to prepare: Trim fat from meat, cut into cubes, put into pot season with garlic and pepper to taste, brown meat, once meat is browned add enchilada sauce bring to rapid boil then turn heat down to simmer and cover pot, let let simmer until meat is tender, remove lid let sauce thicken.

cut rolls to make sandwiches fill with meat eat and enjoy.

This is also good with breakfast the next morning or even in a cold sandwich....


At July 09, 2006 6:14 PM, Blogger Sonia said...

Thanks for the comments on my blog sparkie, I love quilting, but scrapbooking had taken over - i am enjoying the effort of trying to do both.

I have laughed over your post. I don't know much about knitting either and well sex - don't care to discuss it either.

have noted your recipe though and think i will tackle it someday soon.

At July 11, 2006 11:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds delicious!! Now if I could just get off my behind long enough to make it.


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